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  • Writer's pictureInger and Jeff Latreille

Wedding Day!

~Saturday, September 19, 2020~

Day 97 (Wedding Day)

It’s finally here-Bertie and Ken tying the knot. They are absolutely perfect together and couldn’t be happier they found each other. The ceremony was to start at 3:00, and since Jeff was a groomsman, needed to get there by 1:00. It definitely helped being in the wedding party and snagging a parking spot early. Especially when there is a neighbor just 2 doors down, having a big 50th birthday shindig on the same day, at the same time. Everything looked beautiful and the weather couldn’t be better. The music was playing, the drinks were flowing, and everyone was having a ball. Ken and Bertie never looked so happy.

Their vows were kept private as they exchanged them without a microphone, and after the beautiful ceremony, the toasts. A few people spoke after Ken’s son and best man, Chance and Bertie’s maid of honor had their touching words. Chance expressed how he’s never seen his dad smile so much than in these last few years.

Let the dancing and mingling begin!

A really fun crowd. It was so nice to catch up with family that we hadn’t seen in some time, like Jim and Stephanie, Pete and Ana, and Karen and Brian. It was also extra special that Eva and Jerry (Ken’s Godfather), and Mimi and Dave. We need to go out dancing more often. And I know it meant a lot to Ken that his brother (my hubby) was there for his special day. Congrats and wishing you a happy life together Ken and Bertie!!

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