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  • Writer's pictureInger and Jeff Latreille

The Torch Has Been Passed

~Saturday, December 12, 2020~

Day 181 (Travel Day)

I was so excited to see my dear friend Karena, for a nice hike in Napa, albeit short. I stopped by Shane’s place first to pick up Sadie so she could get some exercise with us as well. It was like we never were away, as it felt like it was just yesterday that we saw each other. I think that’s what happens between good friends. You just pick up where you left off. Between the ball tosses, hiking up a few steep hills and watching Sadie happily swim in her old watering hole, Karena and I had much to catch up on about our trip, our kids, etc. Hopefully she’ll be able to meet up with us on the road, sometime soon. A few elbow bumps (no hugs), and air kisses, we said our goodbyes until next time, vowing to FaceTime at least every few weeks.

Getting back to Michele’s, I had to hurry since our walk took longer than I expected. We leave Michele and Napa, now heading to Jeff’s brother’s home in Manteca for a traditional fondue dinner. The last time we were there was for their wedding in September. It’s so great to see that Ken and Bertie are carrying on the Latreille tradition of fondue, as in the past, we would all get together at Jeff and Ken’s parent’s home to decorate their tree. It was always the first weekend in December, and we wouldn’t dare schedule anything else. It was a really fun evening as we had all the fondue fixings, hung out by the firepit, played darts, and pool and talked about 2020 (one we’d all like to forget).

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