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  • Writer's pictureInger and Jeff Latreille

A Strange Welcome

~Wednesday, October 13, 2021~

Day 486 (Travel Day)

Heading to Salisbury, VT at a campground called Waterhouse. Happy to have water and electricity and finally some cell service!! Stay tuned for a lot of catch up on the travel blog and Instagram posts.

Just when you think the scenery in Vermont couldn’t get any better, it just keeps on coming. We didn’t know that Vermont has so much open land. Mountains, open green land, forested roads full of color… really is staggeringly beautiful. If anyone’s looking for spokespeople for New England, we’re in!!

But our next arrival was the strangest experience. With the beautiful Lake Dunmore and lovely campground just across the road, all looked good. But where’s our welcoming committee? There were a few campers tinkering around with their RV’s for us to ask where to register. They directed us to go across the road near the boat ramp area. All I could find was an eatery/pub-like place with one worker bee inside. He didn’t even know. It didn’t take long for us to figure out this place is getting ready to shut down for the Winter. I think we’re one of maybe 4 Fall Peeper visiting stragglers in the place. Many boats and rigs are already winterized, covered and dormant until next Spring’s thaw. There are a few full-timers that still remain. One guy was even power washing his rig…….yeh!!! Hank and Billie Jean are really overdue. It’s not easy finding places that will allow you to do this. Since we booked this so long ago, we can’t remember if it was this or the next place where they said we might be one of 5 or 6 guests that they’ll put near the front of the resort, which is where we are. We simply helped ourselves to our site.

It’s a very nice campground with beautiful dense Maples, Spruce and Ash behind us. There is wire fencing behind though, so Sadie will just have to be teased by those squirrels and chipmunks on the other side. There’s a seasonal creek behind us as well, which we can hear from the recent rains. But we can also hear the wood chopping, hammers hammering, and saws going in the workshop next to us. At least it livens the place up a bit. But we thought it was strange that no one came up to us to ask if we needed anything or even a “welcome”. I guess they’re “done”. Anyway, it’s nice to have more sunlight on the rig to brighten the inside up a bit, though we don’t need it for the solar since we have power at the site.

Looking forward to seeing what the towns of Middlebury, Burlington, and Brandon have to offer. Stay tuned…….🍁🍂

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